Young Invincibles sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer detailing our policy recommendations for any upcoming legislative stimulus package to combat the effects of COVID-19.
“Over the last three months, Congress has infused trillions of dollars into our economy to support small businesses, frontline workers, and young people. According to new research, despite the devastating effects of record unemployment claims, these efforts mitigated the rise in poverty many people feared.But much more is needed. Insufficient congressional policy responses to the Great Recession unnecessarily prolonged suffering and stunted economic growth. Today, our nation is facing extreme levels of unemployment — with youth unemployment at a record high of 25%. Absent federal action, after July 31, 2020, rental evictions will force many to the curb and unemployment payments will cease. Tens of millions of households, including young people, will be forced off a fiscal cliff without relief.”
Read the letter from Executive Director Rachel Fleischer here.