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Two Legal Decisions Aim to Sabotage Attempts at Student Debt Relief

June 25, 2024
Contact: Emma Bittner
(972) 510-3395 |

Two Legal Decisions Aim to Sabotage Attempts at Student Debt Relief

(Washington, DC) – Judges in Missouri and Kansas issued injunctions to block portions of the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) repayment plan that would lower payments and cancel debts in full for millions of borrowers.

In Kansas, the injunction temporarily preventing the Department of Education (ED) from cutting student loan debt in half for eight million borrowers goes into effect July 1st. In Missouri, another preliminary injunction prevents the ED from canceling debts in full under the SAVE plan. Both lawsuits leave borrowers stranded with no answers, forcing them back into a limbo of what to do next regarding their repayments. 

These lawsuits come ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning President Biden’s Student Loan Debt Cancellation Plan and awaiting final steps to the “Plan B” to debt cancellation. These continued attacks against student debt forgiveness further exacerbate racial and economic inequality. It is imperative during this time of uncertainty that borrowers be placed in a payment pause, or at the very least remain in administrative forbearance until the future of the SAVE repayment plan is clear.

Young Invincibles remains committed to ensuring that young adult borrowers are up to date and well-informed about a path to cancellation, as well as advocating for widespread student debt relief.

In response, Kristin McGuire, Executive Director of Young Invincibles said: 

“Halting access to student loan debt relief and lower payments is beneficial for no one. While it isn’t surprising, it is disappointing to see judges continue to choose politics over people. Rolling back on cancellation efforts confuses and further intensifies the already challenging reentry to repayment. Borrowers are once again facing uncertainty with competing narratives from lawsuits and the government and student loan companies. Millions of borrowers were only weeks away from the relief of lower payments, and hardworking Americans deserve this reprieve.

Just as President Biden’s initial plan for cancellation was just and legal, so are the efforts of the SAVE plan that are helping millions of borrowers. We must put politics aside and pause payments while we pursue a fix to the unjust burden of student debt on young people.”

In response, Jada Sanford, Stephen F. Austin University alum and previous Negotiator for Negotiated Rule-Making said:

“It is devastating to see injunctions filed, further complicating repayment for borrowers who are already stretched thin. The Administration has acted in good faith by implementing repayment programs such as SAVE, which should be allowed to continue thriving. Advocates and borrowers, including myself, have worked closely with the Administration to guide the best path forward and identify the imperative next steps. Seeing these efforts blocked by entities that lack compassion or understanding of the realities borrowers face is absurd.

It is critical that programs like SAVE continue to support borrowers as they navigate the perplexing landscape of repayment. For far too long borrowers have been left in the dark, they deserve a path to financial opportunity and repayment without confusion.”


Young Invincibles (YI) is a national advocacy and policy nonprofit organization focused on amplifying the voice of young people in the political process at the local, state, and federal levels. YI focuses on issues impacting young adults ages 18 to 34 in higher education, health care, economic security, and civic engagement. Our offices include Washington, D.C., California, Colorado, Illinois, New York, and Texas. For more information, please contact Emma Bittner at (972) 510-3395 or