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Roadmap to Higher Education Advocacy in Texas

TX Higher ED Roadmap Web

Welcome to YI Texas’ Roadmap to Higher Education Advocacy training!

Join us for an empowering day of learning and collaboration as we delve into the world of higher education advocacy. This event aims to equip young adults like you with the knowledge and skills to advocate for important issues affecting higher education in Texas. From understanding key legislative bills to mobilizing your peers, this event will empower you to make a difference in your community and beyond.

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Austin: Get the Inside Scoop on Higher Ed in Texas: Higher Education Advocacy Training

Calling all Austinites! Dive deep into the world of higher education advocacy while soaking up the vibrant energy of our capital city. From exploring the latest legislative updates to brainstorming innovative advocacy strategies, this event is your gateway to becoming a changemaker in the higher education landscape.

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East Texas: Unlock Your Potential: Higher Education Advocacy Training

Hey East Texas! It’s time to unlock your advocacy potential and make your voice heard in the higher education sphere. Join us for a day of interactive workshops and insightful discussions as we empower the next generation of advocates in the heart of East Texas.

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Houston: Navigate the Path to Advocacy: Higher Education Advocacy Training

Hey Houstonians! Navigate the path to advocacy and discover how you can make a difference in the world of higher education. From dynamic training sessions to collaborative planning exercises, this event will equip you with the tools and resources you need to become a powerful advocate for change in the Houston area. 

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