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New York Youth Advisory Board

The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) allows young adults to weigh in directly on YI’s policy priorities and our strategies for engaging with young people. YAB members join our group chats and receive frequent updates about our activities, advocacy, and job opportunities related to our work and our partners. Throughout the year, YAB members are offered opportunities to represent Young Invincibles and their fellow young adults online and in person, at speaking opportunities, which may be local community events, social media posts, state-wide advocacy, and/or national policy or advocacy. YAB members are also counted on to help share, publicize, and recruit for our Young Advocates Program (YAP), advocacy events and actions, research and storytelling, and movement building.

The YAB term is two years and meets quarterly (at least four times a year). If you are interested in renewing your membership or becoming a new member, please complete this form below.

YAB members must live, work, or attend school in New York State and fall within the age range of 18-34. Ideal YAB members are young adults with a strong demonstrated passion and/or affiliation with policy and advocacy work related to our mission and our four issue areas. We strive to build a group of diverse young adults across New York State who can confidently advise on our policy agenda and strategy, share lived experience in our issue areas, and represent Young Invincibles and our YI values.

Learn more about our Youth Advisory Board

Join our email list and reach out to to learn more.

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