Originally posted on the Atlanta Daybook website.
April 8, 2013
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation has awarded a one-year, $25,000 grant to Young Invincibles to include Atlanta in the National Youth Jobs Tour, designed to raise public awareness about the economic struggles of disconnected youth and highlight solutions that connect low-income youth with education and training.
Young Invincibles amplifies the voices of young Americans through cutting-edge policy research and analysis, sharing the stories of young Americans, campaigns designed to educate, inform and mobilize their generation, and advocacy intended to change the status quo.
Young Invincibles has achieved considerable success since its founding across its three-core issue areas: youth employment and economic opportunity, higher education, and health care access and coverage.
“The National Youth Jobs Tour will raise awareness about the economic struggles of this generation and present solutions to connect low-skill young adults with education and training,” said Aaron Smith, Young Co-Founder and Executive Director. “This coordinated communications, outreach, and policy campaign can ultimately help to raise the voices of young Americans, in Atlanta and around the country, to demand greater economic opportunity.”
“The National Young Jobs Tour brings positive programming and advocacy to young Atlantans,” said Blank Foundation President Penelope McPhee. “Young Invincibles has the communications, policy, and organizing expertise to hone in on viable, scalable solutions, organize will-building events around those solutions, and engage diverse groups of young adults in order to capture the attention of residents and policymakers.”
About The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation:
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation promotes positive change in peoples’ lives, builds, and enhances the communities in which they live. The Foundation seeks innovative solutions that enable young people, families, and communities to achieve results beyond what seems possible today. Formed in 1995, the Foundation invests in early childhood development, education, greenspace, and the arts, and leads giving programs for each of the Blank Family of Businesses, including the Atlanta Falcons.
Learn more at www.blankfoundation.org
About Young Invincibles:
Young Invincibles was founded in the summer of 2009 by students and young leaders, motivated by the recognition that young people’s voices were not being heard in many of the major policy debates happening in DC and around the country. Young Invincibles works to amplify the voice of young adults and expand economic opportunity for this generation, focusing on employment, education, and access to health care. Young Invincibles uses cutting-edge policy research and analysis, shares the stories of young Americans, and runs campaigns to educate on important issue areas, informing and mobilizing our generation to change the status quo.