June 28, 2012
Matt Lawrence
248.462.5339 (c)
Young Adults Applaud Supreme Court Decision on the Affordable Care Act
[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Today, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in its entirety in a 5 to 4 vote, affirming the constitutionality of this critical law. Young Invincibles strongly supports the Supreme Court’s decision, which will allow all Americans, including millions of young adults, the opportunity to access and afford better health coverage. Over 3 million previously uninsured young adults have joined their parent’s plans thanks to the dependent coverage extension to age 26, and over 17 million currently uninsured young adults stand to gain coverage under the new exchanges and Medicaid expansion in 2014. Young Invincibles Co-Founder and Executive Director, Aaron Smith, issued the following statement:
“The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the health care law is historic and literally a lifesaver for many young Americans, who remain the nation’s most uninsured population. Through the extension of dependent coverage to age 26, Medicaid expansion, and new health insurance exchanges, young adults across the country will have the opportunity to purchase quality, affordable coverage for the first time. Obviously we have a tremendous amount of work ahead, to make sure young adults understand their new options and access those benefits, and that states take full advantage of the Medicaid expansion. Most importantly, the country is moving forward on health care and all Americans will benefit. Thank you Supreme Court.
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Young Invincibles was founded in 2009 to ensure that the voices of young adults were heard in the historic health care debate. YI was deeply involved in supporting the law as a whole, including key youth provisions like dependent coverage. YI also submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of the constitutionality of the health care law.