Radical Decision Threatens Our Rights
Yesterday, Judge Roger Vinson of the Northern District of Florida ruled that the individual responsibility provision is unconstitutional, and because of that, the whole law should be void. While we do not think this decision will stand when it is appealed, we...
The Individual Responsibility Provision Explained
For the new law to be successful, all Americans need to work together to strengthen our health care system. When people receive medical care without health insurance and dont pay for it out of pocket, it adds more than $1,000...
Press Release: Young Americans Would Suffer if Activist Florida Judge’s Ruling Stands
Young Americans Would Suffer if A
Press Release: State of the Union Addresses Issues Critical to Young Adults: Statement of Young Invincibles
[Washington, DC] – Statement of Aaron Smith, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Young Invincibles on yesterday’s State of Union by President Barack Obama: Click here to learn more.
Omaha Native to Speak at Congressional Hearing
[Washington, DC] – Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) will meet on Thursday at 10:00 A.M. to examine how the Affordable Care Act protects consumers against insurance industry abuses. The hearing, entitled “The Affordable Care Act: The Impact...
Seriously, “Repeal and Replace”?!?
By now you’ve probably heard the bad news. House Republicans voted to repeal The Affordable Care Act yesterday. Earlier this week, John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, even expressed that repeal was “a promise worth keeping”. Many of you are...
Repealing Health, Replacing Care
This blog post was written by YI’s Co-founder and Chairman, Ari Matusiak. It appeared on The Huffington Post. When Erin was 23, she woke up one morning feeling a little run down. Between jobs and without insurance, she decided to...
Young Invincibles Opposes GOP Attempt at Health Care Repeal
[Washington, DC] – Young Invincibles will be participating in a variety of activities this week to speak out against efforts to repeal the new law. Click on link to learn more.