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Summit Takes on Challenges Facing Changing Workforce by Employers and Millennials

For Immediate Release

Marjorie Parker, Deputy Executive Director, JobsFirstNYC

Nina Smith, Communications Director, Young Invincibles
202-734-6529 ⏐

Convening in New York City will engage young adults on policy solutions to better their economic standing and deliver cross-sector strategies to address the growing need for skilled talent

New York, NY, July 6, 2016 JobsFirstNYC and Young Invincibles in partnership with the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development, and the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island Chambers of Commerce, announced today that they will hold a two-day convening: Adapting to the Future of Work: Creating the New York City Future Talent Pipeline, to be held July 20-21, 2016 at Baruch College at the City University of New York. The event will bring together national and local businesses, employer intermediaries, trade associations, philanthropies, nonprofits, and young adults to deep dive into challenges, strategies, and policy considerations around how the changing workforce impacts Millennials.

The first day of the convening includes a business breakfast on July 20th, featuring leaders from Gap Inc., JPMorgan Chase, Swiss Post Solutions, and others, sharing the talent development strategies they are using to increase both business productivity and young people’s access to meaningful employment opportunities; followed by an event for philanthropies and public sector and nonprofit executives, featuring leaders of WorkLife Partnership and Year Up, amongst others. Finally, the convening will culminate on July 21st with a full-day summit for young adults, ages 16 to 24, that will include dynamic presentations and workshops with entrepreneurs, business leaders, advocates, and policymakers to engage young adults on what the changing economy means to their generation and to build a movement of young adult activists and leaders to be a part of shaping the future of work.

“The demographics of employees are changing and so are employees’ expectations, values, attitudes, and styles of working. Conventional management models must be replaced with leadership approaches adapted to the future employee. As a Director of Training and Organizational Development at Swiss Post Solutions (SPS), I have a responsibility to rethink our traditional structure, how we empower employees, and what they need to do to remain competitive in a rapidly changing world. This is reflected in the positive impact our trainings and team development strategies have on the lives of our future employees.”

Adapting to the future or work has helped SPS:

  • Stay ahead of the competition
  • Attract and retain top talent
  • Rethink management
  • Structure effective teams
  • Create better leaders
  • Embrace flexible work environments
  • Respond to the changing workforce
  • Build the organization of the future”

– Paul Ortega, National Director of Training & Organizational Development, Swiss Post Solutions Inc.

“Young people are dealing with some of the worst economic conditions in our economy, including declining wages and crushing student debt. That is why we are bringing together hundreds of young adults for a first-of-its-kind convening to jumpstart a movement and remove barriers to economic opportunity in New York City,” said Kevin Stump, Northeast Director of Young Invincibles. “We all have a role to play when it comes to advancing economic opportunity for the next generation of New York workers. This event will empower young adults to act as changemakers in their communities, equip them with the tools to succeed, and help them shape a 21st century economy that is inclusive and fair.”

Business Breakfast
On the morning of July 20th, JobsFirstNYC and Young Invincibles have partnered with the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island Chambers of Commerce as well as Swiss Post Solutions, Modell’s Sporting Goods, Wildlife Conservation Society, Benchmarc Restaurants, and UncommonGoods for discussion on how New York City businesses can adapt to advances in technology, changing economic trends, and demographic shifts by creating cost-effective talent pipeline development.

We will hear from executives from Gap Inc., Swiss Post Solutions, JPMorgan Chase, and others on internal business strategies to efficiently recruit and retain young talent. Representatives from the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, WorkLife Partnership, and Year Up, will lead a discussion on successful multi-sector partnerships to offset the rising costs of HR while addressing skill gaps for middle-wage, middle-skill jobs.

Those interested in attending the Business Breakfast can register at

Philanthropy and Nonprofit Executives Session
On the afternoon of July 20th, nonprofit executives and philanthropy will explore opportunities for the evolution of the nonprofit workforce development sector.

Social enterprise models, benefit corporations, and alternative staffing organizations are all intriguing options for workforce nonprofits, but getting these projects off the ground can be difficult, risky, and expensive. Moreover, many young workers are entering the economy just as contract-based work, or freelancing, is beginning to proliferate every industry from customer service, to technology, to transportation. How can nonprofits and philanthropy work together to build models that grow towards self-sufficiency and prepare young adults for the current gig or sharing economy, while maintaining existing programs and services?

Those interested in attending the Executive session can register at

Young Adult Convening

On July 21st, JobsFirstNYC and Young Invincibles have partnered with the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) to bring together 16-24 year-old New Yorkers to discuss the future of work.

Using the theme of, “Me, My Community, and My City”, the day will include workshops on entrepreneurship and professional development for the jobs of the future; a presentation from New York City Council Members on how young adults can work as agents of change to shape the future of workforce and economic policies; and a panel and workshops on advocacy strategies to advance economic equity for all future New York City workers. The day will also include performances from local young artists.

Young adults interested in attending July 21st can register at

Philanthropic Support

This event has been made possible with support from The Clark Foundation, the Ira W. DeCamp Foundation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and the New York Community Trust.

JobsFirstNYC is a neutral intermediary and a champion for the workforce needs of out-of-school, out-of-work young adults in New York City. Our mission is to improve the system for young adults by bringing together — effectively and efficiently — all available community, corporate, private and public resources to accelerate the connection of out-of-school, out-of-work young adults with the economic life of New York City. |

Young Invincibles
Young Invincibles is a national organization, working to elevate the voices of young adults, ages 18 to 34, and to engage them on the most pressing issues facing their generation. Young Invincibles guarantees that young adults are represented in today’s top societal debates through cutting-edge policy research and analysis, and innovative campaigns that educate, inform andmobilize the Millennial generation to change the status quo. |