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Student Takes: Higher Education Data
We talked to students at the National Campus Leadership Council Summit in June about the role higher education data plays in making decisions about college and heard their perspectives on how we should reform our current system.
Learn more about Higher Education Data Reform, here.
[1] U.S. Department of Education, National Center of Education Statistics, Expenses of Postsecondary Institutions (Washington D.C.: 2015), accessed April 29, 2016,
[2] Tuition dollars account for nearly half of expenditures at public institutions. Private institutions without public support, rely much more heavily in tuition. State Higher Education Executive Officer’s Association, State Higher Education Finance Report (Denver CO: 2016), 22,
[3] Rachel Fishman, 2015 College Decisions Survey: Part 1, Deciding to go to College (New America, Washington D.C.: 2015), 4,
[4] 20 USC 1015c., ‘Higher Education Opportunity Act, ‘SEC. 134. DATABASE OF STUDENT INFORMATION PROHIBITED, (2008)
[5] For more information about the history of the student unit record ban and its impact on higher education, see New America’s “College Blackout”,
[6] S.1195 – Student Right to Know Before You Go Act of 2015, 114th Congress, (2015),
[7] For a comparison between different versions of Student Right to Know Before You Go legislation, see Colleen Campbell, Amanda Janice, and Mamie Voight, The Evolution of Student-Level Data Legislation, (Washington, D.C.: Institute for Higher Education Policy, 2015),
[8] Jen Engle, Answering the Call: Institutions and States Lead the Way Toward Better Measures of Postsecondary Performance, (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA: 2016), 15,
[9] For examples of the types of students not currently counted in federal data collection, see Student Achievement Measure’s Count All Students website,
[10] William Schmidt, Nathan Burroughs, Pablo Zoido and Richard Houang, “The Role of Schooling in Perpetuating Educational Inequality: An International Perspective”, Educational Researcher, Vol XX No. XX, (2015), 11,
[11] Clare McCann & Amy Laitinen, College Blackout, (New America, Washington D.C.: 2014), 10,
[12] “Best Practices: Elements of a Federal Privacy Program: Version 1.0.” Federal CIO Council Privacy Committee, June 2010: