Press Release: Young Americans Would Suffer if Activist Florida Judge’s Ruling Stands
Young Americans Would Suffer if A
Press Release: State of the Union Addresses Issues Critical to Young Adults: Statement of Young Invincibles
[Washington, DC] – Statement of Aaron Smith, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Young Invincibles on yesterday’s State of Union by President Barack Obama: Click here to learn more.
Omaha Native to Speak at Congressional Hearing
[Washington, DC] – Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) will meet on Thursday at 10:00 A.M. to examine how the Affordable Care Act protects consumers against insurance industry abuses. The hearing, entitled “The Affordable Care Act: The Impact...
Young Invincibles Opposes GOP Attempt at Health Care Repeal
[Washington, DC] – Young Invincibles will be participating in a variety of activities this week to speak out against efforts to repeal the new law. Click on link to learn more.
Administration Announces New Summer Jobs Program
[Washington, DC] – Today, the White House announced the Summer Jobs+ Campaign, a new call to action for businesses, non-profits, and government to work together to provide summer jobs for low-income and disconnected youth in the summer of 2012....
Press Release: President Obama Signs Tax Bill that Includes Two-Year Extension of the American Opportunity Tax Credit
[Washington, DC] – Today, President Obama signed into law a tax deal that includes a two-year extension of the American Opportunity Tax Credit (“AOTC”). This critical tax credit helped over 8 million young Americans and their families pay for...
December 16, 2010
Americans Push Back Against Flawed Arguments of Opponents of Health Reform
Press Release: Young Invincibles To Give Testimony on Mini Med Plans And Young Adults
[WASHINGTON, DC] – Today, Aaron Smith, Executive Director and Co-founder of Young Invincibles, testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation during a hearing that investigated the impact of mini-med plans on consumers. Click on the link...
YI Files Amicus Brief in Florida Health Care Reform Case
On Friday, Nov 19th, Young Invincibles submitted an amicus brief to the Northern District of Florida in the Federal case challenging health reform, Florida v. United States Department of Health and Human Services. The brief expresses the organization’s support for the...