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Letter To Insurance Companies Regarding Dependent Coverage
Dear Insurance Companies: Recently, several large insurance carriers agreed to work with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, young Americans and parents across the country, to ensure that many 2010 graduates do not face gaps in insurance coverage this...
Speaking Up About the Catastrophic Plan
Check out this great piece in CNN Money about the new Catastrophic Plan, featuring Young Invincibles. The story explains why this super high deductible plan won’t cover the basic care young people need and ways we can fix it.
Letter To Congress Regarding Financial Reform Legislation Priorities
Dear Members of Congress, Thank you for your tireless efforts to put this country back on the road to economic recovery. On behalf of the millions of young people our organizations represent, we urge you to support comprehensive Wall Street...
WellPoint and UnitedHealth Take Action to Keep Current Student Enrollees on Parents Plans
Monday, April 19, 2010 Contact: Arianne Lynch (Young Invincibles): 401-225-5020 Young Invincibles Encouraged by WellPoint, UnitedHealth Actions to Keep Current Student Enrollees on Parents Plans Washington, DC Young Invincibles supports the decision of both UnitedHealth and WellPoint to act...