July 13, 2017
Contact: Colin Seeberger,, 214.223.2913
New Senate Repeal Draft Makes a Broken Bill Worse, Not Better, for Millennials’ Health & Financial Security
[WASHINGTON]–Today, Senate Republicans unveiled their latest health care repeal bill. Jen Mishory, Executive Director of Young Invincibles released the following statement on the new proposal:
“The previous health care repeal bill opened the back door to discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions, but this latest draft swings the front door wide open, subjecting young people with pre-existing conditions or seeking comprehensive coverage will be exposed to dramatically higher premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs. Contrary to stereotypes, young adults need access to comprehensive insurance to meet their health needs: for instance, over 75 percent of mental health challenges occur by the age of 24, and the average age of all new moms is 26. Young people value consumer protections: that’s why 76 percent of young adults shopping on the marketplace select silver, gold, or platinum plans.
The proposal also subsidizes catastrophic plans, a change likely resting on the assumption that young people want to enroll in these products. But we know that isn’t true — just 3% of young people currently enroll in catastrophic coverage. Moreover, deductibles for these plans will be a whopping $7,350. The average Millennials’ net worth next year is estimated to be $11,724; health insurance that requires a young person to pay out two-thirds of their wealth before providing benefits is moving in the wrong direction.
Finally, the bill still ends Medicaid as we know it by putting a cap on the most vulnerable and low-income young people’s care, cutting the program by more than $700 billion, and ending Medicaid expansion. And at a time millions of young people are struggling with addiction, this bill falls far short of the $221 billion that is needed to maintain access to rehabilitation and drug treatment services. Senate Republicans shouldn’t vote to proceed on a bill that hurts young adults trying to get their start in life and breaks fundamental promises they’ve made to the American people.”