September 17, 2024
Contact: Emma Bittner
(972) 510-3395 |
National Voter Registration Day Emphasizes Importance of Youth Vote
(Washington, DC) – Today, Young Invincibles emphasizes the importance of National Voter Registration Day by empowering young adults to register to vote and actively working to remove obstacles to voter participation.
Young people, who are the most diverse generation in history, are a powerful part of the electorate and it’s as critical as ever that their priorities are represented at every level of government. In addition to the federal election, it is imperative that young adults are registered to vote for their state and local elections. The deadline to register to vote varies state-to-state, you can check your registration deadline and status at
In response, Kristin McGuire, Executive Director of Young Invincibles said:
“Voting is not a privilege, but a right. This year, voters aged 18-34 will represent over 40 million potential voices, making up nearly one-fifth of the American electorate. Young people are not just the leaders of tomorrow—they are the leaders of today. It is essential to engage them fully in the political process and ensure their voices are heard. A critical part of this is ensuring that young adults are registered to vote and have the resources they need to cast their ballots.
Access to voting is only half the battle. Young Invincibles consistently works to eliminate barriers to voting and ensures young people know whether they are registered, how to register, and how to cast their vote. While some reports have noted limited youth voter enthusiasm, this should not be mistaken for a lack of interest, determination, or passion among young people. Young people today vote at the same level or higher than other generations did at the same age. We must not dismiss their concerns.
With only 49 days until Election Day, it is crucial that you register to vote so your voice can be heard. You can check your voter registration status through Young Invincibles’ Voter Hub.”
In response, Kit Conway, advocate and National Youth Advisory Board member said:
“National Voter Registration Day is a great reminder of the power young people have in deciding what America’s future looks like. From health care to financial opportunity to housing affordability to personal freedoms – registering to vote and then voting every chance you get is the single best thing young people can do to make their voices heard. I am encouraging everyone my age to go confirm their registration status today, and if there are any issues to get them taken care of.”
Young Invincibles (YI) is a national advocacy and policy nonprofit organization focused on amplifying the voice of young people in the political process at the local, state, and federal levels. YI focuses on issues impacting young adults ages 18 to 34 in higher education, health care, economic security, and civic engagement. Our offices include Washington, D.C., California, Colorado, Illinois, New York, and Texas. For more information, please contact Emma Bittner at (972) 510-3395 or