Contact: Sarah Lovenheim,
[WASHINGTON] – While the economy added 280,000 jobs last month, the national unemployment rate increased from 5.4 percent in April to 5.5 percent in May. The unemployment rate for 18- to 34-year-olds increased slightly, from 7.5 percent in April to 7.8 percent in May. The unemployment rate for young black adults jumped from 12.0 percent in April to 14.6 percent in May.
The unemployment rate for young black adults is now roughly twice as high as for young adults overall. A Young Invincibles report finds lawmakers can help narrow racial disparities that persist in the job market by investing in higher education and making college more accessible — and we urge Congress to take action. Here are more details on how different populations of young people fared in May 2015:

– The unemployment rate for Asian-Pacific Islander young adults ages 18 to 34 is 5.1 percent (not seasonally adjusted) in May, up from 5.0 percent in April.- The unemployment rate for white young adults ages 18 to 34 is 6.3 percent (not seasonally adjusted) in May, up from 5.9 percent in March.