Fact Sheet on the American Opportunity Tax Credit
Click here to download the fact sheet.
Young Invincibles, along with other youth advocacy groups, released this letter to Congress, encouraging them to renew the American Opportunity Tax Credit.
Young Invincibles released a report, “Economy Hammers Already Vulnerable Young Adults”, as Congress debates whether to maintain the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) and provide funding to avoid a shortfall for the Pell Grant Program. The report shows how dire the...
Midterm elections are less than a week away, and the items awaiting Congress when they return to Washington are piling up. This session of Congress, referred to as the “lame duck” session, occurs whenever one Congress meets after its...
[WASHINGTON, DC] – Over 18 percent of 16 to 24 year-olds are unemployed, according to a report released by Young Invincibles. Young people face this devastating fact as two programs that give low and middle-income students access to higher education,...
Here’s a post looking at the current administration’s approach towards issues that matter to young-adults, written by Sarah Audelo and Gregory Cendana. “. . . But millennial voters are not just concerned about ourselves. We’re doing this for the next...
President Obama signed major financial reform bill into law yesterday morning. This legislation is important to young adults for two reasons. First, it takes concrete steps to prevent a future financial crisis like the one we recently experienced. Second, it...
Last Thursday evening, the House passed bold financial reform by a vote of 237-192. That is a great step forward for young Americans. Now we have one last big hurdle to overcome before the bill can be sent to the President: the...
“We congratulate House and Senate conferees for reaching agreement on historic financial reforms, including a much-needed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) with authority over risky private student loans and other financial products. “Private student loans have been woefully under-regulated, leaving...
Washington, DC – Young Invincibles lauds the decision of the U.S. House of Representatives to include the summer youth jobs provision in the most recent version of H.R. 4213, The American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010, and...