#HealthyAdulting is a new campaign to provide critical resources to Millennials on all things coverage to care. Our new resource hub will provide all you need to know to find affordable coverage and understand how your health coverage works. Use the #HealthyAdulting toolkit to help connect young adults and peers in your community to coverage, and access preventive services to maintain a proactive check on your health. Be sure to join the conversation using hashtag #HealthyAdulting.
Download the full toolkit here.

For the most up to date schedule, promotional tweets, chat questions and graphics visit the Social Media OE4 Google Calendar.
#HealthyAdulting Resource Toolkit by fact sheet:
#HealthyAdulting 101: How Does My Health Insurance Work?
Affordable Care Act 101
Preventive Care
Sexual Health & Preventive Care
Breaking Down the ACA: Understanding the Premium Tax Credit
Breaking Down the ACA: Understanding the Penalty
Coverage to Care
5.2 Million More Millennials are Covered: Now What? Full fact sheet here.

How Millennials Use Their Health Insurance. Full fact sheet here.

#HealthyAdulting: Understanding Tax Credits
#HealthyAdulting: Preventive Care
Take Charge of Your Health! Get personalized recommendations for clinical preventive services based on age, sex, and pregnancy status. The Affordable Care Act requires most insurance plans to cover these services without cost-sharing.