October 6, 2020
Contact: Juan Ramiro Sarmiento
(785) 760-6567 |
COVID Relief Cannot Wait Until After The Election
Washington, DC – Earlier today, President Trump announced via Twitter he will unilaterally halt any further negotiations to reach a deal on a future coronavirus relief legislation. Nearly five months ago, the US House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act to address the multiple crises confronting the nation. Last week, the House passed an updated version of the HEROES Act amid ongoing negotiations between House Democrats and the Administration. The last meaningful piece of relief legislation approved in Washington was the CARES Act on March 27, 2020.
In response, Jesse Barba, Senior Director of External Affairs for Young Invincibles, issued the following statement.
“Today the President chose to walk away from the negotiating table – and effectively turned his back on the millions of people struggling in the wake of the greatest recession since the Great Depression and the ongoing global pandemic. Month after month, students have been forced off campuses, lost their health insurance, their jobs, and struggled to pay rent. Yet the President continued his out of touch approach to addressing the Covid-19 pandemic through a series of theatrics and Twitter rants. Mr. President – young people don’t care about who gets the credit. They care about paying next month’s rent, putting food on the table, and safeguarding their health. Young people want prompt and serious action to address the unprecedented levels of distress they continue to endure.
Not only is this an abject failure on the part of the President, but it is also a disgrace to our values as a nation.”