Young adults aged 18 to 34 years old are facing a daunting reality and complex challenges in society like no generation before them. We acknowledge the systematic and social barriers young adults face to achieve economic security, affordable health care, access to mental health services, forgiveness or cancellation of student debt, and access to higher education and postsecondary success. We believe young adult power and agency can, and will, alter the course of our country, state, neighborhoods and communities. Illinois State Policy Agenda | 2
Our 2025 Illinois Policy Agenda was developed from direct and continuous input from young adults across the state. This includes input from our Young Advocates Program (YAP), Youth Advisory Board (YAB), and attendees of our annual Young Adult Policy Summit. We began this process by gathering young adults and advocates at our annual Policy Summit where we receive real-time feedback of the barriers they face and the solutions they demand to see across YI’s issue areas: Higher Education, Workforce, Health Care and Civic Engagement. In addition, YI conducts surveys and holds focus groups of young adults to refine our agenda and ensure alignment with the wants of young adults. Each December, YI’s Midwest Youth Advisory Board (YAB) reviews a final draft of this agenda to ensure it is aligned with young adults’ priorities.