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Young American Ideas Book: 12 Solutions to Help Get Our Generation Back on Track

Last fall, Young Invincibles set out to take the pulse of young America. We started by looking at the vital stats in the State of Young America report and poll,1 analyzing data and polling young Americans to compare the issues facing our generation to previous ones. Our findings were bleak. The young adult labor market shrank for a decade even before the Great Recession wreaked havoc. All but the most well-educated individuals have seen a decline in income. At the same time, the cost of college has risen dramatically. This means obtaining a college education and eventually a stable, decent income is increasingly difficult for our generation. Unsurprisingly, respondents in our State of Young America poll were anxious; the Great Recession diminished opportunity for millions.2 Nearly half of our generation wondered whether they would do as well as their parents. On the other hand, an overwhelming majority of young adults expressed optimism that they too could one day realize the American dream. Click here to read more.