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A Higher Education Promise for the 21st Century

Our generation is clear-eyed about the importance of postsecondary education and the challenge of paying for it – and we need more than slogans. Education and student debt platforms must have concrete details on policy design and implementation, their impact on federal and state budgets, and the effect on the targeted outcome.

We present an agenda that does just that – lays out the details needed to make college more afford- able, higher quality, and achieve better outcomes after graduation. We also assess the cost of different policy proposals and how different types of student loan borrowers could bene t from each. Adopted as a package, leaders could unleash the American economy by making graduating from college without debt a reality for millions of young people looking to build a better life. Broadly, these reforms:

  • Give a Pathway to a Debt-free Degree: Lays out how to give all students a pathway to a debt-free degree through reforms that decrease costs and expand supports;
  • Disrupt Higher Education: Improves the quality of education and ensure students can access a worth- while degree;
  • Cut Debt Payments for Borrowers: Protects students and families and cuts existing debt payments by as much as 70 percent for the typical current borrower.

Click here to download our higher education reform policy platform.