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Our Stance on the Kentucky and Mississippi Work Requirement Proposals

Medicaid coverage has been proven to improve the lives of young adults by increasing access to health care, reducing financial burden, and supporting economic opportunity and employment. However, states like Kentucky and Mississippi have introduced proposals to introduce work requirements for said benefits. These proposals would impact access to coverage and even allow for the ability to disenroll Medicaid beneficiaries. Kentucky’s 1115 waiver proposal, Kentucky HEALTH as well as Mississippi’s revised 1115 Demonstration Waiver Application, the Medicaid Workforce Training Initiative, both had comment periods where people could share their thoughts directly to the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services. Here are our submissions for why these proposals needed to be rejected.

Read Our Comments On Kentucky’s 1115 waiver proposal: Kentucky HEALTH

Read Our Comments On Mississippi’s revised 1115 Demonstration Waiver Application